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#WhenInDoubt #AskALibrarian

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#WhenInDoubt #AskALibrarian

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#WhenInDoubt #AskALibrarian

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#WhenInDoubt #AskALibrarian

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The Library is the heart of educational institutions. The up datedness, effectiveness, appropriateness, richness, professionalism of the activities, lessons, learning experiences the school provides the learners depends so much on the content of the different sections of the library that house its various collections.

It is necessary that the school library has not wide variety collections of books, periodicals, journals other instructional materials and e-sources to motivate students to use it.

The library must be located in an environment that’s quiet, comfortable highly conducive to the teaching learning process.

As the key factors in the teaching learning process the mentors should be the first eager users of the library. The mentors should be the first to be well informed of what’s new at the library so that they can align that lesson, their activities with what are the current trends in the educational sphere.

The MCNP library is managed by a Chief Librarian and her staff. This MCNP library manual which has been prepared by the library professionals in cooperation with the MCNP School Administration, Deans, Teaching and non-teaching personnel and student leaders contains all the necessary list of information a library use needs to know to maximize the use of the library.

The MCNP library Manual is periodically revisited, reviewed, renewed, revised to make the; library service of MCNP ever responsive to the needs of the MCNP Academic Community.


Merlie M. Narag, RL,MLIS
Chief Librarian
Cathyrin Belchez, RL, MLIS
Angelica S. Gaba, RL
Lyka R. Taala, RL
Gerome S. Gerardo, RL
Richard U. Montanez, RL
Chemilyn Pugong
Library Staff
"We want our clients to NEVER fear the changes that's happening and CONTINUE learning regardless of the situation they may face. We want to instill the love for reading and life-long learning . The librarians will help and assist in every possible way regardless of their situation because we believe that NO ONE SHOULD BE LEFT BEHIND."
MCNP Librarians

Library in the New Normal

"We want our clients to NEVER fear the changes that's happening and CONTINUE learning regardless of the situation they may face. We want to instill the love for reading and life-long learning . The librarians will help and assist in every possible way regardless of their situation because we believe that NO ONE SHOULD BE LEFT BEHIND."

Library Activities

The Medical Colleges of Northern Philippines library activities

Learn from the very best

Contact Us anytime, anywhere, learn Everything

Physical Library Hours:

Monday- Friday :8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday- 8:00 AM - 12:00PM


MCNP-ISAP Athenaeum is always ready and available for contact 24/7